Less hassle, less cost
Get instant wireless control with no construction work, just faster project completion.
Rock-solid performance
Replace cables with wireless communication in challenging environments where nothing but perfection is accepted.
Energy efficiency
Upgrade existing buildings with wireless control to enable energy savings and meet sustainability targets.
Shaping the Future of Wireless Technology
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Eight universe DMX/RDM transmitter with Ethernet and WiFi

Galileo MAX
Multiple universe wireless DMX transmitter

Do DALI…the wireless way

W-DALI OEM module
Radio module for wireless indoor lighting control

Wireless mesh outdoor lighting controller

W-BACnet wall mount
BACnet MS/TP trough reliable wireless mesh

W-BACnet module
Integrate the module to make your BACnet MS/TP device wireless

W-Modbus wall mount
Modbus RTU through reliable wireless mesh

W-Modbus module
Radio module for Wireless Modbus RTU

Best in class wireless mesh communication

Eight universe DMX/RDM transmitter with Ethernet and WiFi

Galileo MAX
Multiple universe wireless DMX transmitter

Do DALI…the wireless way

W-DALI OEM module
Radio module for wireless indoor lighting control

Wireless mesh outdoor lighting controller

W-BACnet wall mount
BACnet MS/TP trough reliable wireless mesh

W-BACnet module
Integrate the module to make your BACnet MS/TP device wireless

W-Modbus wall mount
Modbus RTU through reliable wireless mesh

W-Modbus module
Radio module for Wireless Modbus RTU

Best in class wireless mesh communication

Eight universe DMX/RDM transmitter with Ethernet and WiFi

Galileo MAX
Multiple universe wireless DMX transmitter

Do DALI…the wireless way

W-DALI OEM module
Radio module for wireless indoor lighting control

Wireless mesh outdoor lighting controller

W-BACnet wall mount
BACnet MS/TP trough reliable wireless mesh

W-BACnet module
Integrate the module to make your BACnet MS/TP device wireless

W-Modbus wall mount
Modbus RTU through reliable wireless mesh

W-Modbus module
Radio module for Wireless Modbus RTU

Best in class wireless mesh communication