Communication protocols like Modbus, BACnet and DALI are widely used within buildings to control essential systems such as heating, ventilation and lighting. With wireless control through W-Modbus, W-BACnet and W-DALI you can retrofit a property and improve the performance of the building with far more flexibility, scalability and cost-efficiency compared to a cabled solution.
Retrofit in record time and with no disruptions
Quick and easy installlation
The plug-and-play capabilities significantly reduce installation time so projects can be carried out quicker, at lower cost and with less complexity.
Increased project capacity
Wireless control in building automation enables time for additional projects, increasing revenue potential, turning time saved into profit earned.
Simplified cost planning
With a wireless installation you know the exact cost and work involved so project planning and bidding becomes quicker and more accurate.
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Find your Superpower with wireless building automation.
Watch out On-Demand Webinar today and learn all you need to know.
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W-Modbus wall mount
Modbus RTU through reliable wireless mesh

W-Modbus module
Radio module for Wireless Modbus RTU

W-Modbus wall mount PRO
Connect even more Modbus RTU devices

W-Modbus PRO module
Integrate the PRO module to connect more wireless Modbus RTU device to your product

W-Modbus DIN rail
Wireless Modbus for your electrical cabinet

W-BACnet wall mount
BACnet MS/TP trough reliable wireless mesh

W-BACnet module
Integrate the module to make your BACnet MS/TP device wireless

W-BACnet DIN rail
Wireless BACnet for your electrical cabinet

W-BACnet wall mount PRO
Connect even more BACnet MS/TP devices

Do DALI…the wireless way
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Why choose LumenRadio?
LumenRadio’s unique patented wireless technology predicts and finds the best channel to communicate on. We call it Cognitive CoexistenceTM – you can call it peace of mind.
Cognitive Coexistence allows our tech to operate reliably even in the most crowded of spaces so you get interference-free service every time. Where others fail, we deliver.
From epic stageshows and Hollywood blockbusters to challenging industrial environments and vast buildings, we have been delivering wireless without worries for almost two decades.