Jan 11, 2023 IN News / Entertainment Lighting

Going the extra mile - Wireless DMX across Lake Zurich

The range of projects using Wireless DMX is usually measured in tens of meters, or occasionally hundreds. But how about thousands? Menzi ebz, LumenRadio’s Swiss distributor, saw an opportunity to put this to the test.

Headquartered on the sloping west bank of Lake Zurich, Menzi placed an Ayrton Cobra light on the roof of a van. The van took the ferry across the lake and drove out into the countryside – a distance of just over 4000 m (more than 13000 feet) from HQ.  In the battery powered van was an Aurora transceiver from LumenRadio, while HQ was equipped with a Stardust transmitter and both ends using 12dBi directional antennas. The radio link was transmitting CRMX, LumenRadio’s patented wireless technology for the DMX standard.

As the sun set, the Grand MA3 lighting console sparked the powerful light into life – a fun and dramatic way to demonstrate that Wireless DMX can deliver flawless, precision control over 4 km. You can watch the results in this short film here:

We feel that people underestimate the potential of Wireless DMX. Transmitting 4 km across the lake shows very clearly what a LumenRadio system using standard components is capable of.

Marco Menzi, CEO Menzi ebz. 

The power and range of LumenRadio’s latest solutions significantly broadens the potential for wireless lighting applications. The street lights in a British seaside town, for example, are controlled by Wireless DMX at a maximum range of 2500m. LumenRadio has installed several similar large-scale outdoor projects. 

“Our CRMX technology has proven itself in the industry for over a decade for architectural, stage, film and TV projects. This experiment by our Swiss partners shows that Wireless DMX can be employed even across large distances when the situation requires it, using our standard accessories.”

Michael Karlsson, LumenRadio

LumenRadio delivers the plug-and-play products of Wireless DMX and CRMX. The technology operates with a fixed 5ms latency, featuring error correction and 128 bit encryption at full refresh rate for every universe.

For more information:
Josef Hederström
International Sales Manager