How to start your IoT initiative - solve your tangible problem!
Starting your IoT journey is as exciting as it is overwhelming. Digitalization is booming, but there is still a big gap in the information to be found and many companies are left irresolute. In all of this confusion, the most important issue is often forgotten; before you start your journey, you need to know where to start it.
Start with a tangible problem
Our most important recommendation of all (which is the foundation of every successful IoT solution) is ”Start with a tangible problem!”.
Today a lot of companies are asking “What’s your strategy when it comes to digitalization of your business?” or “What does your future IoT solution look like?”. Our recommendation is to wait with those questions. Instead, start where there are real problems.
If you start with a tangible problem, you will have a solid business case to rely on early in the project, and you will also face less internal resistance with the rest of your team. If your team understands the benefits of the IoT initiative, they will be more eager to start up the development journey. For example, let’s say you have problems with high installation costs; everybody in your organisation understands that this is an issue. If you decide to address this issue in your solution, you will have a solid business case and a motivated team.
The key in every IoT initiative is to not create problems – instead, focus on solving real ones. You can’t always predict what kind of needs your customers will have until you roll out your product in the field, so why spend resources on creating solutions that may not even be useful? Don’t worry, there will be room for improvements later on. Identify your tangible problem and build a business case around it where you clearly can see benefits such as reduced cost, reduced downtime, increased utilization rate, less time spent on support/installation, energy savings, etc.
So we ask again, what’s your problem?
New guide released
Now you know where to start, but how do you go from there? Luckily, we have years of experience in reliable connectivity and helping big companies in their IoT development. It is our goal to provide you with the knowledge needed to fully benefit from the possibilities of IoT, and that is why we have created a guide called 7 steps to launching a successful IoT solution.
7 steps to launching a successful IoT solution
Learn how to prepare your team, save time on maintenance, save money on installation and more.