Feb 21, 2016 IN News

LumenRadio shows the Mira platform at Embedded world 

As a global leader in wireless lighting controls within the entertainment industry, LumenRadio has many years of experience in creating world leading wireless technologies. With that background they are now providing reliable  solutions for the Internet of Things.

With LumenRadio’s vast expertise and patented technologies they developed Mira – The complete solution for your Internet of Things. For the first time LumenRadio is now showing the Mira platform at the Embedded world in Nuremberg the 23-25 of February.

“Mira is a complete IoT ecosystem that provides a mesh network with unprecedented scalability and reliability to an unlimited number of nodes. The Mira network is self-healing, easy to configure and can be deployed in heavily congested radio environments”, says Niclas Norlén, CTO of LumenRadio.

“Enabling connectivity for the Internet of Things is a huge and growing business opportunity. But it is also an opportunity to make the world a better place through smarter products with less energy consumption and improved resource utilization”, says Alexander Hellström, CEO of LumenRadio.

With Mira LumenRadio enters the IoT and M2M markets where they aim to be your wireless partner for reliable short range communication. To get you started they offer a ”Better World Kit” where they have made it easier than ever to prototype your ideas.

Stand 5-157 at Embedded world

23 – 25 February 2016 // Nuremberg