Jan 04, 2021 IN Insights

[Webinar] Industrial-grade wireless mesh for HVAC & building automation

From lightsabers in Hollywood to temperature sensors in Finland – LumenRadio’s technology is being used wherever there’s a need for ultra-reliable connectivity for mission-critical applications, built on Nordic’s Bluetooth Low Energy SoCs. In a world where increased interference is a reality, their Cognitive Coexistence technology future-proofs your product and provides a good night’s sleep.

Get educated

Are you planning on developing your next wireless product? Or maybe you are in the middle of evaluating different wireless technologies? Then this webinar is for you. Are you developing a wireless product and want to learn more about our reliable wireless mesh?Wireless without worries!

What you will learn:

  • Real-time chaotic adaptive frequency-hopping – optimal channel selection and additional horsepower
  • Concurrent Bluetooth – time-sharing the radio between different stacks to offer both performance and flexibility
  • W-Modbus – easily retrofitting legacy HVAC & Building Automation devices with wireless connectivity
  • Reality check (customer case) – how Produal are running HVAC controls networks using wireless mesh on batteries for 5+ years

Webinar with Nordic Semiconductors


Industrial-grade wireless mesh for HVAC & Building Automation
