Jun 07, 2023 IN Case Study / Street Lighting

AirGlow makes outdoor wireless lighting control a reality

Once a building – or in this case a car park – has already been built, the cost, time and hassle involved in laying new cables are enormous.

In the Netherlands, Van Mossel Automotive Group is one of the industry’s top players, specializing in car dealerships and leasing services.

Its headquarters are located in Waalwijk in the south of the country and were newly opened in May 2023. As part of the premises, the HQ features a large car park, covering 90,000m2. The lighting for the car park is provided by many lampposts, each stretching 12 meters into the air.  

When Van Mossel wanted to be able to control these lights and attain better energy-efficiency by making them dimmable, this could not be done via the existing BACNet cables without digging up the car park and laying new cables.

Since this was hardly a viable option financially or otherwise, lighting control consultants LRS B.V. were contacted to help with control for the car park lighting.

The best option for the customer was AirGlow, LumenRadio’s technology for wireless lighting control. Through a quick and simple installation process, AirGlow nodes were connected to the fixtures via a pole mount box, with one AirGlow controlling two fixtures. Four AirGlows were connected to the BACNet system making it possible to control the AirGlow scenes via the building automation system.

“We are confident that whenever we specify AirGlow for a project we know it will be an easy task in terms of commissioning and reliability,” says LRS CEO and owner, Jimmy van Bemmel. “With its MiraMesh technology, AirGlow succeeds where other mesh networks fail.”

“The project came in the middle of an extremely busy period for us, so I was very happy that LumenRadio offered to come down to assist me and my colleague with the commissioning. The level of commitment from their side is always appreciated and helps us deliver what we promised,” concludes Jimmy.

The project in brief

  • 46 AirGlows
  • 4 time-based scenes
  • Local control with BACnet via the LSI pin of the Zhaga Book 18 socket
  • Reliable and secure mesh network even with the long range between lampposts
  • Versatility to use either a DALI2/Zhaga Book 18 sensor and/or the LSI pin of the Zhaga receptacle

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