**Important notice: Action Required for Users of W-Modbus/W-BACnet DIN rail 3.2.0 Firmware**
If you’ve downloaded the W-Modbus or W-BACnet firmware version 3.2.0 after February 15, please read carefully.
Do Not Install the Downloaded Firmware to a DIN rail device.
We’ve found a problem with this firmware version that can affect your device’s performance. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience and are working hard to fix it.
What You Should Do Now:
- If you haven’t installed the firmware yet: Please don’t install it. We’ll provide a new, fixed version as soon as possible.
- If you’ve already installed it: Contact our support team right away for help.
Our support team is here for you. You can reach us by:
– Email: support@lumenradio.com (please use Firmware 3.2.0 in the subject row)
– Phone: 031-3010372
We’ll keep you updated with any new information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.